SDL Innovate featured a #selfie contest, which I'm not sure I was even eligible for. But as a social media contest of sorts, I thought it'd be fun to well, join the fun.
Like back when I used to dance, I've gotten more stage fright around friends and peers than in front of large, anonymous crowds. I was nervous before taking some of these. :-)
Laptop selfie. I wasn't as self-conscious since most didn't notice the Web camera. |
Dynamic range would have helped with the contrast... maybe. |
If you're wondering, "why the hat?" it's because it was the nicest-looking one at Target and for practical reasons: my hair was not long enough to stay in a ponytail yet. The real question then is, "why the long hair?" You'll have to catch me on a project or another event to get that answer. |
It's a sign. Literally. On the ceiling! |
I was nervous before getting this selfie. The singer was great and didn't seem to mind, though.
I've performed in front of audiences before, but I doubt I could have walked on stage for a better selfie. |
This was easy since I was hiding in plain sight. |
Cheesy Smile meets the Tridionator. |
Mae I take this pic? |
My colleagues dared me to grab this selfie with my future self. |
See the screen? That's the little guy below... |
"I don't always do software demos, but when I do, it's for Tridion." |
You might not recognize this guy without seeing the shoes. |
Personally, I think SDL Buddy should have won the #selfie contest. |
The funny thing is the anticipation of either taking a pic or what people might think after posting it felt scarier than it really was. My younger friends and family on Facebook and they seem quite comfortable sharing (fairly) personal details, but I don't see many sharing about work except the odd complaint.
I wonder if it's always harder sharing with or for your peers and colleagues? It's kind of sad because my 5-year old loves sharing what she did, learned, or made at school. I don't want her to lose the belief that she's creative or that her "work" is worthy.
If I've told you to (blah blah) blog, it's because you have a wit, charm, or some expertise the World could use. It doesn't even have to be this particular industry. Share, engage, or leave a legacy. It doesn't have to be blog posts, you could perform, code, practice the
Art of Explanation (draw),
Enchant others, or otherwise
Show Your Work. Be a
If you were at Innovate, keynote speakers Josh Linkner and Ted Rubin told you variations of the same theme.
And if you've noticed, smart and creative people are making a living encouraging others to be creative. After reading those books or hearing presentations, you'll realize it's not about being good enough, it's about passionately doing whatever it is you're good at. Today's most rewarding and effective work involves creativity, passion, and connection. These thought leaders are actually not much smarter and creative than us. They're consistently creating something new and helping break down old expectations of what work really is about.
We can have jobs, careers, or better yet, vocations. It's not play to work vs. work to play, but work to have fun. Work to make a difference.
This might be the first time in history where anyone's contributions could be recorded and saved for "eternity." Welcome to immortality. If it sounds like too much pressure, don't worry, the whole World won't read everything you post.
Find a way to share more by caring less and my hat's off to you.
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