
New Blog Page

I embrace the fact that whether I'm a little bit of functional or a little bit of a technical, I'm in for a whole lot of consulting travel.

Technically Functional?

See the top navigation for Featured Functionality or visit for a summary of my non-technical posts for content authors and content management teams.  I might replace this and just tag my content like a good blogger.

Functionally Technical?

On the other hand, I'm finally writing more code both for fun and for personal improvement. I'm looking to spend less time talking about Tridion community projects (you know which one!) and more time contributing and/or asking others (you) to contribute. Btw, did someone review that code for that project we were not talking about?

Either Way = Travel.

In November I mentioned I was new-ish to consulting. After three clients, four trips to the opposite coast, and 80 hours of delivering training (in 2 months) I'm nowhere near what my peers have logged. But I am slowly getting added to projects which means more travel, as expected. No promises if that means more or less blogging. Get your Tridion fix from the Tridion Community Review or on the forum. Or go blog about something I've missed, which is a lot.


  1. The mix in the blog is a good thing! Tagging would make your life a lot easier and allow you to mix anything on your blog.

  2. You're right, Hendrik. I made the quick updates to show my blog's tag cloud. Now I just need to start tagging better.

    Taxonomy... what a concept! :-)


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