

Expecting a (first) child has really made me reflect on my world view and how I should raise my daughter.

In terms of traditions, I ponder what's possible, doable, and worthwhile--especially since the baby will be 3 months old in time for the Holidays (I hear that Christy and I won't get much presents and it'll all be for the baby--which is fine by me since I often end up doing that "one-for-you-one-for-me" kind of shopping anyways).

I've grown up with Christmas and was so in-tune with the Xmas vibe that I even faked a visit from Santa for my younger sister when I thought Santa wouldn't come one year. I actually pretended to be one of Santa's little helpers and left a gift, sampled the cookies, and wrote a note. Looking back, I ponder why it was okay to lie and pretend, but not go all the way and pretend to be Santa-himself!

The "real" Santa was oblivious to the earlier-in-the-evening visit and even ate the already-half-eaten cookies and left my sister another gift. She's too clever anyway and figured it out.

I figured out the deal with Santa myself after the gifts got progressively less-and-less impressive and more-and-more "mom-like." I think the year I got 4 quarters taped to a piece of ruled paper with Mom's handwriting on it sealed the deal for me.

Note that I did enjoy my childhood and still appreciate my mom's open communication style and focus on a well rounded upbringing for us (read activities like dance, martial arts, after school tutoring, piano and violin lessons, singing lessons, etc... even into my college years).

I wonder if Festivus (A holiday for the rest of us) might hold some interesting and fun traditions for my new family.

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